Wednesday, December 26, 2012

#Egypt Women in #Tahrir cutting thr hair in protest to being marginalised in wt they call 'Brotherhood' constitution

Women in  cutting thr hair in protest to being marginalised in wt they call 'Brotherhood' constitution 
13mTiny Klout Flag59MA ‏@MTeeAmr
LOL @ Mona Zaki in welad el 3am when she cried because she was happy that she's going back to Egypt. والنبي لوكان دلوقتي ما كانت رجعت.
50mTiny Klout Flag63perfectsliders ‏@perfectsliders
Dec25: NY Times soccer reads on Egypt, Russian Soccer Fans Marching Backward to Intolerance
58mTiny Klout Flag65Karl Sharro ‏@KarlreMarks
Bad news for people in . Morsi used the 'we need to talk' line. You know what that means.