Saturday, May 12, 2012


LINGUISTIC point of view was real


In Hindu legends an island of gods was destroyed during a war  between the gods and the Asuras (giant people). Which is very  similar to the greek myth of the gods Vs the Titans. Vishnu Purana  (2000 B.C.), a sanskrit text, speaks of Atala, the "White Island," which speaks of its geographically location, which when translated is roughly 24-28 degrees North latitude. There is no longitude translation.


In southern Libya in the middle of nowhere save a few oasis's there is cave art, with wheeled vehicles, aligators, hipos, water birds and man had to be there to draw and carve all sorts of cave art into the rocks and inside caves all over the sahara desert 12,000 years before anyone was supposedto have lived there. The last time Libya was lush enough to support this was just after the ice age near 10000BC...


35000 BC was the appearance of the first Cro-Magnon man (larger brained, uses tools) in western Africa and western Europe. There are 4 stages of increasingly more intelligent Cro-Magnon peoples appearing in western/northern Africa, and fanning out from that location. Anthropologists also find 4 stages of remains/tools in the Azores and other Atlantic islands. One of the ways of determining intelligence is by measuring the brain size in c.c. The largest Cro-Magnon skull contained 1743 c.c. These first stages of Cro-Magnon are sometimes called “Paleo-Atlantic”.


The Sphinx is suggested by geologists to have been built around  10,500 BC, by non-Egyptians. The reasoning is that the Sphinx/Lion is not an important part of Egyptian mythology (but is commonly found in Greek mythology). It has been covered by sand for most of its history until it was escavated in the early 1900s. Horizontal lines on the Sphinx are the result of water erosion, possibly a  flood.


Tiahuanacu, a city in Bolivia, is 12,500 feet above sea level. The  explorer/engineer Arthur Posnansky was the first European to explore it and dated its building approximately 15,000 BC. The city is a port city, complete with stone piers and warfs. The surrounding area is covered with millions of sea-shells and fossilized sea flora. An inland sea, Lake Titicaca, 15 miles from the city (and 12,400 feet above sea level), contains oceanic creatures such as sharks, telling that the ocean had not only once reached this height, but sharks and other ocean creatures have continued to live there.The port itself has numerous large carved stones, weighing between 100 and 200 tons. The largest is 440 tons. The rocks however have been knocked off their foundations, suggesting a huge earthquake. Some of the rocks are held together by huge rivets of copper and silver which were poured into place. (A similar technique was used in Egypt’s Elephantine Island in the middle of the Nile.) Also of  interesting note, geologists have determined that many of the blocks came from quarries 200 miles away. The docks themselves are large enough to comfortably hold hundreds of large ships. Excavations of the city show that it once held a  population of 30,000 to 40,000+. The Acapana Pyramid in the city is  a step pyramid, aligned like a perfect compass, and had in-door  plumbing  A 10-ton gateway to the temple nearby was carved from a single rock  and has elephants and toxodons carved into it. The toxodon is a  large grazing creature that resembles a hippo with a longer neck.  Both it and the south american elephant (Cuverionius) have been  extinct since 11,000 to 12,000 BC. The images of the elephant and  toxodon are commonly found in the city, ranging from pottery to textiles.


Due to the carbon dating of ocean sediments we can conclude that the continents were originally attached. Most of the continental plates are made from silicon-aluninum, but  the area where Atlantis was (according to samples from the sea  floor) is also made of silicon-magnesium, which is both highly unstable and heavy. Magnesium is also highly combustible and one of  the few metals that can burn underwater.Geologists have suggested that Atlantis has frequently rose and sunk numerous times in the last 3 million years (the Pleistocene Epoch, which ended circa  10,000 BC).


Berber-Ibero-Basque It has been suggested by linguistics that a nomadic Cro-Magnon  society existed all the way from Morocco to the British Isles (which explains Stone Henge, similar sites in France, the caves near Basque, and Lixus). Both anthropologists and linguists agree that Basque is descended from a Cro-Magnon language. Interesting notes: The Basque word for knife means “stone that cuts” and the word for ceiling means “top of cavern”. Basque is also a mystery in terms of its alien styles of vocabulary, syntax and grammatical structure. While the meanings and definitions of words are considered to be  primitive, the actual syntax is extremely complex and orderly.


Disneyification is one of the ways that has destroyed/created the  mythology around Atlantis. Due to this mythification most people  assume that Atlantis does not exist. Its just another myth like  everything else the Greeks had. (Unless you count the theory of the atom, that the world is a  sphere, and other items of Greek philosophy which has been later  proved accurate…)  Except that the Greeks are not the only ones with such a “myth”. Indeed every single religion on Earth has some form of Great Flood  story, which suggests that there really was some form of major  disaster involving rising sea levels around the time that the  glaciers melted.